Public Records Request

Port Public Records Request Price List

Description Price
Standard Copy/Scan $0.25 per Copy/Scan
Legal Copy/Scan $0.50 per Copy/Scan
11x17 Copy/Scan $1.00 per Copy/Scan
CAD drawings (hard copy) Price determined according to size


(Note: Price only covers the materials cost and any significant labor will be charged per labor fees)

$1.00 Each
Certified, Postage, Shipping Current Postal Rate

Labor fees:

Labor fees are based on the actual cost of the employee performing the work, which includes hourly payroll rate, benefits, and overhead. Labor fees apply to requests that require more than a nominal amount of staff time, research,review which can include attorney review. Labor fees may include those for finding, compiling, refiling, copying and reviewing requested records, separating exempt material and redacting, and supervising inspection of records.

Outside Services:

The Port is authorized to enter into contracts for legal services and other services integral to the provision of providing public records. Costs associated with outside services shall be billed directly to the requestor.